Monday, January 03, 2011


happy new year, hope everyone is as excited as I am about the upcoming cycle of time that we've decided upon.

I have about 5 finished works ive done recently but I can't show any apart from this one. Hope you guys like it. the scan sucks, i wish i could show you it in real life, sorry! :(

Still haven't finished with the series, lots of other pictures i want to explore but will post other art so you don't get sick of it :P

The website  has been updated (thanks Lindsay!) with info about exhibitions under the "see" section and an all new "shop" section, yay! More coming soon...


heres the line sketch (had to redraw/change a lot of stuff but it was really helpful as a starting point)

i did a few pages of thumbnails like this to try and work out the design and stuff, but even still i changed it a  lot in the final piece.

some studies i did of different things for another painting that I did


  1. What a pleasure to see this process, Rod! You fuckin' rock!

  2. Hey Rod,
    This is EXCELLENT mate. Great work :D

  3. Happy new year, man !
    Keep feeding us with your art-bombs ! Yummy !

  4. beautiful drawing mate. Really looking forward to seeing the new works. I have no doubt you will tear it up in 2011!

  5. Anonymous7:44 AM

    You're a pencil master!
    I really enjoy seeing the process, it gives the final piece much more value.

  6. I'm really in love with this series :) Is that a tiny ibis standing next to her?

  7. Incredible work Rod, and happy new year! :)

  8. o just loverly
    really dig the softness

  9. You are an amazing talent.
