Friday, June 18, 2010


This is one I forgot to post up, i did it a few weeks ago, took a bit over a day.
It definitely needs to be pushed through to the colour stage and refined a hell of a lot more, but I hope I can get around to that soon, I'm working on some pieces now that I'm too lazy to scan.

It was featured in a talk a few weeks ago by Matt Jackson, agent of the Drawing Book. He discussed briefly the nature of his approach to selecting and hiring artists for the agency. He used an interesting metaphor which linked the process of creating wine that results in its unique flavour. The words
"Inside Out" describe this relationship, hilighting the importance of the artist's personality, values and identity, which culminate in producing something unique, clients hire that person, not a drawing machine. 
You can download the talk here, and be sure to check out some of the other ones.

I hope you all don't think I'm being self indulgent by posting this, it was a bit nerve wracking to have my work on such a big screen and I just wish I had something good to show! No matter, I will press on and will hopefully create something halfway decent, but there's obviously a long way till that happens  :D